Friday, October 15, 2010

Taco Bell

Taco Bell detritus.
That doesn't look yummy at ALL.  And it wasn't healthy and it certainly wasn't cheap.
Grumble mumble.  It wasn't easy, either.  Two of the kids spilled their drinks ALL OVER themselves so we had to go home and change.
OH!!  AND they got my order wrong.

The kids comments?

She Who Must Not Be Named: Thanks, mom.  This is really good.
Megan: This is my favorite thing you made all week.
Isaac: Now THIS is dinner!!
Noah: Hey mom.  Can you make this every night?  Hehehe.
Genny: I didn't got a soft taco.  I did got a burrito.  I seriously DID got a burrito.  I don't like beans.

Mental Scream.


  1. Lol. Oh wow. Aren't kids awesome?! Taco Bell can get pretty expensive. Lucky for me, my kiddos like the Beefy 5-Layer Burrito and it's only $.99!!
