Monday, October 11, 2010

Coupons and Coupon Binders...A Recipe For A Migraine

Colleen's recipe for a migraine:

5 children  (free???)
1 shopping cart (free, but gross)
1 zip-up binder  ($9.99)
1 packet 9-pocket pages (say THAT 5 times fast...$4.99)
1 professional index system for 3 ring binders  ($4.99)
1 box Cookie Crisp Cereal  (or any impulse buy/bribe you can think of to hush your children...$2.50)
1 box halloween shapes Kraft mac-n-cheese  (sometimes TWO bribes are required...$.90)
59 coupons  (I totally counted...Type A is a disease.  Cost?  FREE, if you consider the time it took you to clip 59 coupons is  "free time.")

Mix all of the ingredients and...BAM!  Instant migraine.
Total cost: (thank God for the calculator button on my computer...)  $23.37

$23.37.  That's Twenty-three dollars and thirty seven cents... round up and that's $25.  Twenty five dollars spent so that (hopefully) I can cut $45 per month off of our grocery bill so that (hopefully) I can join a heath club.  (Cost of health club: $45 per month.)

OMG, my head hurts.  Truly.  I have a full-blown...turn off the lights, stop talking, and get me a bowl cuz I'm gonna puke-migraine.
All from coupons.

Okay...QUESTION, Erin Chase:  What category does spaghetti sauce in a glass jar fit into??
What category would you classify Pull-Ups as??  Toiletries???  Paper Products???
My head is spinning, but it's done.  My coupon binder is done.
At the end of the day I'm thinking...making a coupon binder while your husband is away and all 5 kids are home for Columbus Day vacation is...DUMB.  Really dumb.  Migraine inducing.  But it's done.

Let the savings begin.  (???????)


  1. Do you now have to add the $25.00 you spent into the coupon equation in order to arrive at a true $45.00 savings? I mean now you have to work $25.00 harder to save your first $45.00. Wow so now it is more like you have to save $80.00 the first month. Boy I hope those palates are worth it. By the way, how many boxes of wine could you have bought with the $80.00 or bottles of your favorite alcohol?

  2. $45 a month for a health club is kinda steep. We have fitness clubs here for less than $20 a month. I say find a cheaper club so you don't have to work as hard. Ironic no?
