Monday, October 4, 2010

OMG, I'm Blogging!!

OMG, I'm blogging.  (Is that the right way to put it??  Blogging??)  I'm either officially a dork or I have officially jumped into the new millenium.  Not sure which.  All I DO know is that my Genny girl (name not changed to protect identity...sorry, Genny.  But I like your name too much to change it) is in preschool now for 7 1/2 hours a week and I'm BORED.  But 7 1/2 hours a week is hardly enough "free time" to get a job.  It's really not even enough time to get the laundry why bother??  Talking to myself sounds more fun.(er) I had this blog idea.  If you walk into my kitchen, the first thing you will notice (besides the dirty dishes and paper piles) are my cookbooks.  I'm type A so I've counted them.  39.  39 cookbooks in one kitchen.  There are 29 more in the living room as well as a RIDICULOUS number of Cooking Light magazines and Quick Cooking magazines.  That's a helluvalotta recipes in one house.  And yet tonight we are having frozen hamburgers on Wonder Bread buns. Wait.  No.  They're not even Wonder Bread buns.  They're Giant Eagle's attempt at a Wonder Bread bun.  A Wonder Bread knockoff.  Ew.  And if the kids have their way, I'll probably make a side of Kraft mac-n-cheese.  That's just gross.
So that's how I got my idea...twice a week I am going to cook a new recipe for my family using one of my (wait...I totally have to use the calculator...) 68 cookbooks.  BUT...the recipes HAVE to meet my 4 criteria or I won't even try them.
The criteria:    Easy

I've committed myself to doing this for a year.  AND, because I'm so bored, I've decided to blog about it.  I'll probably take pictures, too, because I'm a HORRIBLE cook and I think this could be hilarious.
By the year's end I SHOULD have 104 taste-tested and reviewed recipes.  With 5 kids, I'm pretty sure the reviews will be hilarious, too.  I promise to keep the reviews uncensored.  The uncensored words of a 4 year old are priceless.  Those of a 13 year old are even better.  A 41 year old man??  The best.
This aughtta  be fun...


  1. this is gonna be classic! i can't wait to follow this! :) <3

  2. This is going to be a twisted version of Julia and Juliet I will be following it.

  3. its like a trainwreck...i can't look away.

  4. some day when you're famous, I'm going to tell people "I used to swing in a hammock with her".

  5. Oh, this is gonna be goooood.....
