Tuesday, October 19, 2010

A Bit Of Honesty

I started group therapy yesterday.  I have been through several traumas (who hasn't?) and I am still standing, but not without my vices.  My main vice, I am coming to learn and accept, is anorexia.  I am NOT painfully thin as you see in the news and in magazines, but do I exhibit MANY of the psychological, behavioral and physical symptoms of the disease.  Yesterday my counselor suggested that perhaps my blog is a way of not only controlling what I eat, but also of controlling what OTHERS eat.  In particular, my children.  That pains me.  Terribly.  So.  I apologize to you.  This blog is by NO MEANS meant to control YOUR food choices.  Or those of my family.  I stand in judgment of no one.  I am learning to not stand in judgment of myself...
 I apologize to you and I will apologize to my family tonight.  My quest to convert my family to healthy eating did not come from a healthy place.  (Ironic.)  Will I still cook them something easy, yummy, healthy and cheap??  Hell yes.  That's my job as a mommy.  Will I still blog (dumb word) about it?  Hell yes.  I have been getting so much enjoyment out of this!!!  But I wanted to be honest.  Eating healthy should be for health's sake...NOT to fit into a smaller dress, or to appear "perfect."  There is no perfect.  There is no "normal."  And that's OKAY.
I'm learning...


  1. Your far to sweet to every try to control what others do. I'm happy you have a blog now and I look forward to trying lots of your yummy healthy and cheap food. (whole foods is killing me) :)

  2. Good for you girl, you're such a wonderful amazing woman and I love you so much it's not even funny. I hope therapy helps you come to terms with what has happened. And blogging is a great outlet, I get a ton of enjoyment from it as well. And if your blog evolves to include other things besides food, the that's ok too!
